
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

A Letter from Peter Deadman

A Must - The Journal of Chinese Medicine for Schools
I am writing to you today to draw your attention to the rich resources an institutional subscription to The Journal of Chinese Medicine can offer you and your students.
The Journal of Chinese Medicine offers one of the greatest English language resources on Chinese Medicine. We can now offer your institution online access and fully searchable databases containing a vast array of information that is vital to students, researchers and clinical practitioners of Chinese Medicine.
The Journal of Chinese Medicine Institutional Subscription provides access to:
1.) 1000+ detailed and well-written articles on every aspect of Chinese medicine, written by international leaders and experts in the field.
2.) 2000+ detailed abstracts of important articles appearing in China's English-language Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
3.) Over 20 years of detailed abstracts and explanations of research in the fields of acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, diet, tai chi, qigong, and lifestyle.
All of these articles are accessible to our subscribers in downloadable pdf format. All are searchable by subject matter or by text appearing in the article. It is easier than ever to find specific information on JCM.
The Journal of Chinese Medicine also helps to connect the Chinese medicine community - publishing case histories, running an endangered species campaign and providing a free platform for educationalists to promote talks, seminars and workshops in the USA and Europe.
In all, we believe that we hold the greatest Chinese medicine resource on the internet - an irreplaceable resource for anyone studying, researching or practicing Chinese Medicine.
We hope you make this resource more readily available to your students. We offer low cost Institutional Subscriptions to schools and colleges. Once purchased, any student enrolled in your school will be able to access the online content via your IP range as long as they remain a student.
Subscriptions are available from (with full details of Institutional Subscription conditions).
Additionally, our representative Paige White will be following up this letter by contacting you directly. She will be able to answer any questions or concerns you may have.
With best wishes
Peter Deadman

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